with Kenton Rogers. Treeconomics and the treescapes of the future.
First broadcast 30 December 2024.
Kenton Rogers is the director and co-founder of Treeconomics. Treeconomics is an organisation that uses the best available scientific techniques to understand and improve how trees enrich our urban and rural spaces.
Kenton talks about some of the projects that the team at Treeconomics has completed, and explains why working with trees is always an ongoing, unfinishing endeavour.
Kenton is a Chartered Urban Forester and Environmentalist. He’s worked on a range of commercial, urban and community forestry projects in the UK, Europe and North Africa. Kenton was a Trustee of the International Tree Foundation and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. He has written for the UK National Ecosystem Assessment and the Springer Handbook of Urban Forests, and co-authored the Haynes Workshop Manual for Trees.
‘Thank the Lord (for Sidmouth Arboretum)’ was recorded by Kelvin Dent and Tess Bisson, musical director of Sid Vale Folk Choir.
Links of interest
Treeconomics website and resources: https://treeconomics.co.uk/resources/other-resources/
Birmingham Tree People: https://birminghamtreepeople.org.uk/
Sidmouth Arboretum: https://sidmoutharboretum.org.uk/